Deeper into West Africa - notes prior to leaving

Trip to Guinea, Guinea-Bissau & Senegal overland using taxi brousse for a month over Christmas & New Years 2006/2007 A follow up from the 2005/2006 escapade to Mauritania ..

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Pre-trip news ...

Whilst at a fete in Limoux for the new wines last weekend, I was suprised to receive a call from Italy. My travelling partner from last year, Gianni the mad Italian aka Monsieur Spaghetti rang.

In his usual mixture of French-Italian with the Turin twang he asked if I was off to West Africa again this year??? We had talked about it earlier in the year when he came past my house with Barbara his wife & the van on his way home from West Africa. I told him that I was flying to Dakar, he asked for the date and has agreed to meet me at Yoff Airport so we can see Guinea Bissau & Guinea together.

Great news, just before my birthday and got me even more excited about the trip especially now that the Irish Embassy have sent me my new passport!


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